The Democrats’ INSISTANCE on Public Option fits with these links:
These links are in agreement with "LP Beria, Psycho-Politics Address on Health Care and Control" which said, only faith healing could stop control of the people through Health Care.and “45 Communist Goals For the Take Over of America’ (reviewed by Congress) all at
The world is not over-populated. Leaders are wrong.
It is our employment lifestyle that is polluting us and creates the world problems. We can turn to a garden paradise lifestyle and solve the world problems easily, quickly, fairly, and inexpensively. It is the only sustainable lifestyle. Confirms planned pandemic.
GOD’S WARNING Do Not Take Swine Flu Shot and what to do to avoid it is at
Google: Swine Flu + Navy Carrier (October 19, 2009)
Evidence as to the depopulation agenda of the Illuminati/Bilderbergs and their involvement in the engineering and release of the artificial "swine flu" virus.
Send a CLEAR MESSAGE NOV 3; People of God MUST VOTE OUT a whole party and those too weak and ignorant to require identity documents for this president that others in security sensitive positions must show when they apply for a job. That includes school records, birth certificate, health records, and passport.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost